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Necco Center Community Engagement Plan

The administrative team and program directors have developed protocols to alert neighbors and regional authorities when communication needs arise. These instances include children who leave the campus without oversight (Elopement protocol), community activities and other concerns that could affect the local community.

Center staff have developed relationships with the regional law enforcement entities including the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department and Ohio State Police to maintain safety for children, staff, and neighbors. Alerts are made regarding critical incidents that require their involvement and incidents which may involve the local neighborhood. These regional authorities have Center administrators contact information, including on-call staff members.

In addition to communication when needs arise, the Center’s administrators seek to foster a sense of community with the neighbors which leads to a safer environment for children, staff, and neighbors. Neighbors are contacted in the AWOL protocol to alert them of the issue and every neighbor has the Center’s contact information including phone numbers, web page and email addresses. The AWOL protocol is shared with the neighbors so that they have a basic understanding of the steps staff may take to secure the campus perimeter, the staff posting positions and the coordinated efforts with law enforcement and/or search and rescue.

The regional Emergency Management Agency (EMA) and the local fire department’s Search and Rescue team are regional entities the Center administrators maintain frequent contact. Communication is vital to the safety of children and staff when emergencies arise, including elopement concerns. These departments also have the Center’s administrators contact information.

The Center has also developed a working partnership with the regional Health Department to ensure better access to health care needs for children and staff. This office also maintains regular contact with Center administrators.

The parties listed above, including regional law enforcement, regional EMA, regional fire department/search & rescue, health department and all neighbors all have contact information for the Center including the following:

Necco administrators will respond to community requests for information within 24 hours, depending upon the nature of the request.