Ashley Stroud is a Licensing Specialist in Cincinnati, OH, and has been with Necco for two years.

Originally from Cleveland, OH, Ashley graduated from Kent State University in May of 2021. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies with a concentration in Case Management. She started at Necco as a Case Manager and then transitioned to a Licensing Specialist this February.
Ashley currently lives in Wilmington, OH, with her fiancée, Matt. When Matt found a teaching job in Southern Ohio, she began looking for jobs in the area.
“I honestly found Necco by complete luck,” Ashley said.
Since starting at Necco, Ashley and Matt have become licensed foster parents themselves! When she’s not building families, Ashley likes going to concerts (she loves country music) and spending time with her family and friends.

Ashley says that working at Necco has empowered her to be the “most authentic version of herself.”
“I feel blessed to work with my team,” she adds, “everyone has individual goals along with the common goal of being the difference for the children we serve.”
As a Case Manager, Ashley enjoyed getting to know each foster family and building a rapport with them. She is looking forward to her position as a Licensing Specialist because she says it’s an opportunity to empower prospective foster parents and help them along their journey.
“Foster care is by far one of the most challenging yet most rewarding things I have ever done,” Ashley says. “I hope that I am able to share my passion with [foster parents].”
When thinking about times when she knew that Necco was the right place for her, Ashley shares one amazing story in particular.
“One of the kiddos on my case load invited me to her school as her ‘Special Person,’ and introduced me to her class and teachers as ‘Aunt Ashley’.”
How amazing is that?
Ashley’s advice to other current or future Necco employees is to never stop advocating.
“When I first started learning more about the foster care system, I heard a quote that ‘every child is one caring adult away from being a success story.’”
She says that not every day is going to be the best of days and that things are often out of your control, but it is important to remember that you are the caring adult that every one of your children needs.
Ashley’s demonstration of passion and dedication to the foster kiddos and families in her care is one of the things that puts Necco at the forefront of changing foster care forever. To find out more about Necco’s Foster Care program, visit the Foster Care Overview page, or if you are interested in a career at Necco, find our opportunities on the Careers Page.